Independent Consultants for a Better World. We all engage in consulting independently but occasionally individuals team up for projects and bids. We conduct business that works towards improving the lives of people in need or the places they live.
We provide support to consultants via connections to clients, opportunities to connect with other consultants, and professional development relating to the business of consulting.
While we have the LLC designation, we actually operate more like a not–for-profit membership association. Independent consultants may apply for membership to benefit from our services. We are volunteer-based with no paid regular staff. Members help drive the ICBW agenda and activities.
Currently we have over 100 members. Ninety percent are women, half living in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area and the remainder live in other U.S. states or abroad. The majority work in global development, offering technical expertise in a wide range of areas and also provide a variety of functional services.
ICBW has a listserv in which members share information about consulting opportunities.
ICBW provides one-year scholarships for basic level membership. Contact us with your request.